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Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth, scientists find
Reptile’s teeth found to have covering that helps keep serrated edges razor sharp and resistant to wear

Oscar Allan

24, Jul, 2024 @9:00 AM

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Hungry foxes are having a ‘catastrophic’ impact on Australia’s juvenile freshwater turtles. There’s a push to change that
Turtle’s long lives may be masking extent of loss of young and eggs, experts say, with estimates that one species has declined in population by 90% or more

Tory Shepherd

08, Jun, 2024 @12:00 AM

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It’s human v tortoise in the Beddington household. And the tortoises are winning | Emma Beddington
You wouldn’t believe how fast these things can move until you try to lock them up. How long until the next jailbreak, asks Emma Beddington

Emma Beddington

20, May, 2024 @10:00 AM

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Country diary: The lizards are out, basking and, perhaps, breeding | Susie White
Allendale, Northumberland: Up close, I can appreciate their pattern of spots and coppery scales, as they lie flat to absorb the warmth

Susie White

13, May, 2024 @4:30 AM

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Country diary: Keeping a close eye on the adders | Mark Cocker
Leash Fen, Derbyshire: If I moved, they would slope off. So I used my binoculars to study these exquisite creatures as they soaked up the warmth

Mark Cocker

02, Apr, 2024 @4:30 AM

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Who’s the smallest of them all? Meet the world’s amazing tiniest creatures
Often overlooked in favour of larger, more charismatic cousins, we asked scientists to tell us about the smallest-known species, from a nano-chameleon to a miniature frog

Patrick Greenfield

08, Feb, 2024 @5:00 AM

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Giant tortoise mystery: how did seven protected reptiles end up dead in Devon woods?
As discovery baffles community, police examine potential link to 2021 find in same forest

Jamie Grierson

19, Jan, 2024 @11:30 AM

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Governments accused of not doing enough as 17 species added to Australia’s threatened wildlife list
Conservationists call for more action after reptiles, fish and birds added to list, including 10 species deemed critically endangered

Lisa Cox

22, Dec, 2023 @1:47 AM

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In the eye of the climate storm: hurricane-hit Dominica bets on a resilient eco-future
Vulnerable to ever-more powerful storms, the Caribbean’s ‘nature island’ is future-proofing infrastructure and tourism to mitigate the economic and environmental impacts of extreme weather

Sara Hylton in Soufrière, Dominica

11, Dec, 2023 @12:00 PM

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Exceptionally rare white alligator born at Florida park
Gatorland in Orlando consulting public for name after birth of ‘absolutely extraordinary’ leucistic gator

Guardian staff

08, Dec, 2023 @3:49 PM

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Plant fossils turn out to be turtles in ‘unusual misidentification’
Re-examination finds what were taken to be veins of leaves are actually bone growth patterns

Nicola Davis Science correspondent

07, Dec, 2023 @5:24 PM

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Georgia homeowner finds 3ft tegu lizard hiding under porch
Officials remind residents of rules and say non-native Argentine black and white tegus can pose threat to wildlife and people

Richard Luscombe

04, Nov, 2023 @3:00 PM

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