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Public art projects that double as renewable energy sources
Two Pittsburgh artists are encouraging cities around the world to install public art structures designed to generate power while educating viewers about renewable energy

Kristine Wong

06, Nov, 2015 @8:14 PM

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XPrize’s $20m carbon recycling award aims to cut fossil fuel emissions
The idea of turning carbon emissions into something valuable has long intrigued scientists, businesses, politicians and environmentalists alike. But it’s never proven economically viable. Could the XPrize change that?

Marc Gunther

29, Sep, 2015 @8:43 PM

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Fuel cell industry charges forward thanks to big corporate customers
Businesses that want low-carbon, reliable distributed power are turning to fuel cells which, if costs come down, could compete with solar and wind energy for these deep-pocketed customers

Ucilia Wang

31, Jul, 2015 @4:00 PM

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Drive your car, help fight climate change? The new biofuel that claims to be carbon negative
Colorado-based startup Cool Planet says it has created a fuel that mixes seamlessly with gasoline and actually removes carbon from the atmosphere

Sarah Shemkus

29, May, 2015 @2:43 PM

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How do you put a price on water? Try algorithms
A water company, Ecolab, has created an algorithm to help companies efficiently use water

Sarah Shemkus

05, Dec, 2014 @2:52 PM

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Drawing back the panel: what a solar energy ranking system looks like
Chinese giant Trina Solar tops Silicon Valley Toxics Collation’s solar scorecard. But do the rankings unfairly penalize small companies?

Ucilia Wang

11, Nov, 2014 @1:00 PM

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How do SolarCity's new bonds stack up against other green investments?
The California solar company’s new bonds offer a green middle ground between CDs and stocks. But are they the best option for private investors?

Tom Konrad

22, Oct, 2014 @2:11 PM

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How a single multinational corporation could light up the world
With international cash reserves already in the bank, even one big US company could singlehandedly improve 1 billion lives, deal a blow to global inequality and slash carbon emissions – while making money

Daniel M Kammen and Felix Kramer

24, Sep, 2014 @8:11 PM

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Why commercialising cleantech is like crossing the ‘valley of death’
It’s not just lack of money, cleantech start-ups sink because of failure to appreciate the engineering expertise they need

Bernie Bulkin

09, Sep, 2014 @6:00 AM

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US climate policy winners and losers: lawyers come out on top
In the wake of the EPA’s clean power plan, a host of lawsuits indicate that the costs and benefits of President Obama’s climate initiatives will not be shared equally

Garrett Hering

08, Sep, 2014 @1:39 PM

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Redesigning transportation: can drivers end their love affair with cars?
Graduate programs in transportation design in Los Angeles and London aim to envision the future of cars – and beyond

Rachael Post

04, Sep, 2014 @1:00 PM

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Why developed countries should subsidize a global price on carbon
Amy Larkin: The industrial world got rich on ignoring the costs of pollution. Now it’s time to pay

Amy Larkin

26, Aug, 2014 @1:00 PM

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