Lords reform

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The last of the hereditary peers in the House of Lords
The Labour government has plans to end their ‘outdated and indefensible’ lawmaking position in the upper house

Harriet Sherwood

20, Jul, 2024 @9:00 AM

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What was missing from the king’s speech? From votes for 16-year-olds to leasehold reform
A crackdown on the use of overseas workers and an AI bill were also missing from the speech

Peter Walker Senior political correspondent

17, Jul, 2024 @1:54 PM

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Housebuilding, railways, Lords reform: what to expect in the king’s speech
More than 30 bills expected as Labour government sets out its legislative agenda for this session of parliament

Eleni Courea Political correspondent

13, Jul, 2024 @7:00 AM

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Labour to omit funding of social care reform from manifesto and scale back Lords plans
Dismay as key proposals are downsized in order to make election offer to voters ‘bombproof’

Toby Helm and Michael Savage

15, Oct, 2023 @5:00 AM

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Code of Conduct by Chris Bryant review – a manifesto for a better politics
The chair of the standards committee tackles bullying, corruption and constitutional reform

Gaby Hinsliff

09, Aug, 2023 @8:00 AM

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Hold your nerve on Lords reform, Keir Starmer, or we’ll never see the back of Boris Johnson’s cronies | Frances Ryan
If Labour’s leader only targets hereditary peers, the likes of Charlotte Owen and others who shouldn’t even be there will survive, says Guardian columnist Frances Ryan

Frances Ryan

01, Aug, 2023 @7:00 AM

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A seat in the House of Lords isn’t God-given. It’s time parliament ejected all the bishops | Sandi Toksvig
Scrapping automatic places for a minority religion is as good a place as any to start with reform of the upper house, says humanist Sandi Toksvig

Sandi Toksvig

05, Jul, 2023 @9:00 AM

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Next steps to create an anti-Tory alliance: Scotland and the Lords | Letter
Letters: Paul Clarke on how the Liberal Democrats could detoxify their brand through increasing collaboration with other parties

30, Mar, 2023 @5:04 PM

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Evgeny Lebedev’s 1% attendance makes him among least active in House of Lords
Evening Standard owner among a series of peers who appear to play a minimal role without a formal leave of absence from Lords

Peter Walker Political correspondent

19, Dec, 2022 @4:49 PM

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Abolition of the Lords, that house of cronies, toadies and donors, can’t come too soon | Andrew Rawnsley
Sir Keir Starmer should ignore those who say constitutional change is too difficult. Radical reinvigoration of our democracy must be a Labour priority

Andrew Rawnsley

11, Dec, 2022 @8:30 AM

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Crony peerages are proof that Lords reform is urgent | Letters
Letters: The second chamber is itself crying out for change, but the government is resisting, writes Angela Smith, the Labour party leader in the House of Lords. Plus letters from Christopher Tanner and Yvonne Williams


02, Aug, 2022 @5:07 PM

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String of Lords defeats reflects concerns over PM and legislation
Analysis: Peers have inflicted greatest number of defeats on government in single parliamentary session since 1975-76

Rajeev Syal Home affairs editor

02, Mar, 2022 @4:41 PM

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