John Witherow

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Tony Gallagher confirmed as new editor of the Times
There is speculation over whether ‘workaholic’ and close ally of Rupert Murdoch will shift political tone further to right

Jim Waterson Media editor

28, Sep, 2022 @1:25 PM

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Tony Gallagher lined up as next editor of the Times, say insiders
Announcement expected of editor John Witherow’s departure and his deputy’s promotion

Jim Waterson Media editor

15, Sep, 2022 @4:34 PM

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Editors’ tributes on the Guardian’s 200th birthday: the full list
Messages from media figureheads in Britain and around the world to mark the Guardian’s bicentenary

Guardian staff

05, May, 2021 @3:56 PM

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‘Stuff of legends’: editors around world salute the Guardian on 200 years
Leading newspaper editors and publishers have paid tribute as the Guardian celebrates its bicentenary

Alexandra Topping

05, May, 2021 @10:22 AM

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Rightwing papers' hostility to Andrea Leadsom reduces her to tears
Conservative newspapers, in throwing their weight behind Theresa May to become leader, treat her Brexit rival to unrelenting negative coverage

Roy Greenslade

11, Jul, 2016 @9:28 AM

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Rupert Murdoch and Paul Dacre go head to head over Tory leadership
Daily Mail supports Theresa May while the Times and the Sun, favouring Michael Gove, seek to undermine the third candidate, Andrea Leadsom

Roy Greenslade

06, Jul, 2016 @8:18 AM

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Jewish Chronicle places its leading articles on the back page
Editor claims a first and explains that the innovation is ‘a nod to Hebrew’

Roy Greenslade

02, Jun, 2016 @6:57 AM

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Cameron, Osborne and Murdoch back together at mogul's Christmas knees-up
Party at magnate’s London flat saw half the Tory cabinet and Rebekah Brooks in attendance and marks Murdoch’s return to the centre of political power

Jane Martinson

22, Dec, 2015 @8:55 PM

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Media Monkey: John Humphrys, the Blue Room and James Harding
BBC’s head of news ‘does a Yentob’, Justin versus Justin on Radio 4 and John Witherow steps up the ballet count


15, Nov, 2015 @6:43 PM

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Letter calls on Angolan president to drop charges against investigative journalist
Journalists, actors, film-makers - and Tiffany the jewellers - support Rafael Marques after conviction for criminal defamation over his blood diamonds book

Roy Greenslade

02, Jun, 2015 @9:48 AM

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Media Monkey’s Diary: Jeremy Clarkson, Simon Heffer and Martin Sorrell
Could James May’s Man Lab solve the Top Gear problem, Ben Frow channels Blofeld and Warhol, and Janet Street Porter’s capital rant


29, Mar, 2015 @5:09 PM

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The Times's media editor, Alex Spence, departs after Page 3 drama
He leaves the paper following his ‘inside track’ confirmation of the Sun’s decision

Roy Greenslade

10, Mar, 2015 @2:45 PM

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