Tory climate deniers are feeling the heat | Brief letters

Conservative leadership and the climate crisis | Born in the Baedeker raids | Wildlife at Sandringham | Using libraries | Yorkshire Fettle cheese

Monday 18 July sees both the next vote for the Conservative leadership contest and the first ever national emergency red alert for heat (England braces for 40C temperatures as experts warn thousands could die, 15 July). Let us hope that those Tory MPs who flirt with climate change denial feel the heat and have to lie down during voting hours.
Calum Paton
Emeritus professor of public policy, Keele University

• I can stand on one leg, eyes open or closed (Letters, 13 July). I don’t make marmalade, because other Guardian readers give us jars of the stuff, and I don’t tell people my age: I simply say I was born during the Baedeker raids on Bath, and they can look it up, if they can spell it.
Katy Jennison
Witney, Oxfordshire

• I’ve been a member of the RSPB for years, but after reading your article (Officials warned of ‘serious wildlife incidents’ at Queen’s Sandringham estate, 15 July), I’ve decided I can no longer support it. The “R” bit makes a mockery of the organisation.
Jane Burke
Saltburn-by-the-Sea, North Yorkshire

• Lucy Mangan might add libraries to her list of environmentally friendly ways to read (Digested week, 15 July). It’s vital that we keep using these wonderful resources, which contribute so much to our and our children’s education.
Christine Costello
Wells, Somerset

• Don’t tell Brussels, but here in God’s own county we have been blessed with Yorkshire Fettle cheese for decades (Hard cheese: EU court scolds Denmark over feta labels in win for Greece, 14 July).
Bob Cannell

Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.

The GuardianTramp

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