Scaling up

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Coke and other firms make the business case for aiding world's poorest
At ‘Net Impact’ in Minnesota, global corporations described how their programs may also help spur economic growth

Emily Sohn

14, Nov, 2014 @12:45 PM

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The base of the pyramid: will selling to the poor pay off?

The concept of serving the world's poorest four billion or so people has been popular since CK Prahalad introduced the idea a decade ago. But so far, profits remain elusive

Marc Gunther

22, May, 2014 @5:34 PM

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Archive Global: fighting disease with low-tech, low-cost home design

Equipped with funding from UBS, a New York non-profit aims to reduce tuberculosis and malaria with home improvements

Ucilia Wang

14, Apr, 2014 @4:56 PM

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Scaling up: the top five stories from 2013

2013's most popular pieces asked questions about alternative economic models, explored eco-houses and took a stroll down Copenhagen's convex streets

02, Jan, 2014 @2:00 PM

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Smart cities: innovation in energy will drive sustainable cities

Urbanisation makes cities a main focus for environmental policy. Digital technology and innovation will enable a better quality of life and reduced energy consumption

Rudy Provoost

13, Nov, 2013 @2:56 PM

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Marshall Islands pioneers sustainable technology solutions to climate change

The vice president of the Pacific nation at risk of being submerged says displacement is a lingering threat but new opportunities lie ahead

Elisabeth Braw

05, Nov, 2013 @3:23 PM

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New York, London and Mumbai: major cities face risk from sea-level rises

Predicted sea-level rises threaten many of the world's most important cities, write Alison Kemper and Roger Martin

Alison Kemper and Roger Martin

04, Nov, 2013 @3:30 PM

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Hamburg's answer to climate change

The German city is planning a green network that will cover 40% of the city area, contributing to resilience and allowing biking, swimming and nature watching in the city

Elisabeth Braw

31, Oct, 2013 @2:33 PM

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The power of footfall: how cities of the future will harness energy | Mike Scott

Mike Scott: Wherever there is traction there is power is the theory behind piezo technology which is why scientists are tapping energy from roads, railways and dancefloors

Mike Scott

23, Oct, 2013 @5:17 PM

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Tackling climate change: Copenhagen's sustainable city design

Elisabeth Braw: Global warming poses a real threat to cities but planners in the Danish capital are taking visionary steps to ensure its resilience – and success – as far ahead as 2100

Elisabeth Braw

08, Oct, 2013 @11:40 AM

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Talk point: what value should we place on water in developing countries?

Water is the essential ingredient for all kinds of products made in developing countries, yet assessing its value raises issues

Will Henley

17, Sep, 2013 @6:00 AM

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Cities bypass slow government to lead the way on climate change

Cities are where the greatest climate change challenges and greatest opportunities lie, and where mayors are pioneering initiatives, writes Mike Scott

Mike Scott

12, Sep, 2013 @12:09 PM

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