Black holes

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Astronomers detect sudden awakening of black hole 1m times mass of sun
Mysterious brightening of distant galaxy believed to be caused by material falling into huge black hole

Ian Sample Science editor

18, Jun, 2024 @1:00 PM

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Black holes observed colliding when universe was only 740m years old
Glimpse of galactic merger, via James Webb telescope, may explain presence of monster black holes

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent

16, May, 2024 @2:04 PM

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Astronomers discover Milky Way’s biggest stellar black hole – 33 times mass of sun
BH3 spotted when scientists chanced upon star in Aquila constellation ‘wobbling’ under its gravitational force

Ian Sample Science editor

16, Apr, 2024 @7:00 AM

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Astronomers discover universe’s brightest object – a quasar powered by a black hole that eats a sun a day
Light from the celestial object, which is 500tn times brighter than our sun, travelled for more than 12bn years to reach Earth

Tory Shepherd

20, Feb, 2024 @5:12 AM

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White Holes by Carlo Rovelli review – space odyssey
Time, quantum mechanics, and the nature of reality are considered in a mind-bending journey to the edge of reality

Manjit Kumar

14, Dec, 2023 @11:00 AM

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Revealed: the oldest black hole ever observed, dating to dawn of universe
Exclusive: astronomers surprised at size of 13bn-year-old object, which raises new questions about where black holes came from

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent

10, Dec, 2023 @2:00 PM

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White Holes: Inside the Horizon review – Carlo Rovelli turns time on its head
In his latest brief but dazzling journey to the edges of understanding, the theoretical physicist takes us into the heart of a black hole and out the other side

Kevin Fong

30, Oct, 2023 @11:00 AM

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On my radar: Carlo Rovelli’s cultural highlights
The physicist and philosopher of science on the lessons the Roman empire holds for us today, the mystery of black holes, and his favourite beat poet

Kathryn Bromwich

28, Oct, 2023 @2:00 PM

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Creation of rare heavy elements witnessed in neutron-star collision
Space telescope used to monitor event 1bn light years away that sheds light on how unusual elements are formed

Ian Sample Science editor

25, Oct, 2023 @3:51 PM

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First evidence of spinning black hole detected by scientists
Region at centre of Messier 87 galaxy captured by the Event Horizon Telescope in motion

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent

27, Sep, 2023 @5:31 PM

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Eureka! Scientists explore mysteries of black holes with hi-tech bathtub
Nottingham University researchers are simulating black holes with a tiny vortex inside a bell jar of superfluid helium

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent

14, Jul, 2023 @4:24 PM

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Astronomers detect ‘cosmic bass note’ of gravitational waves
Sound comes from the merging of supermassive black holes across the universe, according to scientists

Hannah Devlin Science correspondent

29, Jun, 2023 @12:00 AM

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