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The EU must soon open its doors to new members – its survival depends on it | Nathalie Tocci
The days when Viktor Orbán could block negotiations on a whim should be over – and the western Balkans should finally benefit, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

11, Sep, 2024 @6:00 AM

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A global conflict is playing out at the Paris Olympics – just not in the way we think | Nathalie Tocci
From a row about an allegedly blasphemous biblical scene to a controversial boxing match, the Games have been hijacked by culture wars between Russia and the west, says Guardian columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

08, Aug, 2024 @6:00 AM

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Georgia is on the frontline of the struggle between Russia and the west. Will its democracy survive? | Nathalie Tocci
As the repressive government turns towards Moscow, elections in October may be the last chance to secure a path to the EU, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

15, Jul, 2024 @11:00 AM

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Le Pen has been defeated by the left, but who will govern France? Our panel responds
Tactical voting kept the far right from election victory – but with gridlock in parliament the future is unclear, say Rym Momtaz and others

Rym Momtaz, Shahin Vallée, Marion Van Renterghem, Mujtaba Rahman, Françoise Boucek and Nathalie Tocci

08, Jul, 2024 @10:00 AM

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Multilateralism is on life support – but does the G7 any longer have the power to revive it? | Nathalie Tocci
If France and the US end up with populist illiberals in power, it’s hard to see what can be salvaged from the western powers’ club, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

21, Jun, 2024 @5:00 AM

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Europe is beset by global threats. How will a destabilised EU cope with them? | Nathalie Tocci
From Putin to China, the continent faces dramatic challenges – a rightward lurch leaves the union less able to protect its people, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

11, Jun, 2024 @12:57 PM

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As Europe’s power shrinks, its fear is growing – and the result is huge mistakes | Nathalie Tocci
Scared of Ukraine losing and scared of Russia being beaten, of migrants, Gaza and Trump, the EU is making poor choices at home and abroad, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

14, May, 2024 @6:00 AM

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The west defends Israel’s skies. Not doing the same for Ukraine is a deadly mistake | Nathalie Tocci
In Kyiv, I saw life under Russian aerial attack. If Europe doesn’t share its air defence systems now, Putin’s threat will only spread, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

22, Apr, 2024 @6:00 AM

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The pope wants Ukraine to surrender. That would give Russia a green light for endless war | Nathalie Tocci
Pope Francis’s anti-western views are well known – and his new advice would lead not to peace, but a dangerous escalation, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

13, Mar, 2024 @12:06 PM

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The world is splintering into ‘the west v the rest’ – and that leaves us all in more danger | Nathalie Tocci
From Gaza and Ukraine to food security, global problems are linked. Echo chambers and bubbles won’t solve them, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

26, Feb, 2024 @7:00 AM

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Trump 2.0 would mean chaos and threat for Europe. Now is our chance to prepare | Nathalie Tocci
If you thought his first term was bad, brace for a White House that abandons Ukraine, emboldens Putin and encourages the far right, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

29, Jan, 2024 @7:00 AM

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I’m a Euro-optimist. But crisis after crisis tested my hope – until I met these teenagers | Nathalie Tocci
From Ukraine to the climate and war in Gaza, Europe is struggling. But its young people remind me change is possible, says Guardian Europe columnist Nathalie Tocci

Nathalie Tocci

04, Jan, 2024 @7:00 AM

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