
Article image
‘It’s a little bit of utopia’: the dream of replacing container ships with sailing boats
The long read: Global trade depends almost entirely on huge, dirty, dangerous container ships. What would it take to bring back wind-powered sea freight?

Wendell Steavenson

14, Jul, 2022 @5:00 AM

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Cold comfort: how cold water swimming cured my broken heart
The long read: After a painful breakup and the death of her father, one writer retreated to the coast of Brittany in winter where she tested the powerful effects of a daily swim in the icy sea

Wendell Steavenson

23, Mar, 2021 @6:00 AM

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Flour power: meet the bread heads baking a better loaf
The long read: The days of the mass-produced pappy white British supermarket loaf may be numbered. Meet the bread heads revolutionising the way we eat

Wendell Steavenson

10, Oct, 2019 @5:00 AM

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‘They saved me. They stood between me and the bomb’
David Califa was leading a group of food tourists in Istanbul in 2016 when three of them were killed in an Isis attack. But he was determined to go back to the city, its restaurants and his friends

Wendell Steavenson

15, Sep, 2019 @11:00 AM

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The rise and fall of French cuisine
The long read: French food was the envy of the world – before it became trapped by its own history. Can a new school of traditionalists revive its glories?

Wendell Steavenson

16, Jul, 2019 @5:00 AM

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‘Our island is like a mosaic’: how migrants are reshaping Sicily’s food culture
As Italy swings right, the layers of cuisine reflect the traditions of an island that has adapted to centuries of immigration

Wendell Steavenson in Palermo

17, Jun, 2018 @10:30 AM

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‘The kitchen has no religion’: the Lebanese activist offering hope through food
With a farmers’ market, and a string of restaurants and B&Bs, Kamal Mouzawak is helping Lebanese women and Syrian refugees to transform their lives

Wendell Steavenson

21, May, 2017 @9:00 AM

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Remembrance of tastes past: Syria’s disappearing food culture | Wendell Steavenson
The Long Read: For Syrians in exile, food is more than a means of sustenance. It is a reminder of the rich and diverse culture being destroyed by civil war

Wendell Steavenson

07, Dec, 2016 @6:00 AM

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Jonathan Sumption: the brain of Britain | Wendell Steavenson
The long read: He terrified opponents as a stellar QC. Now he’s a supreme court judge and revered historian – the establishment personified. So why is Jonathan Sumption not a household name?

Wendell Steavenson

06, Aug, 2015 @5:00 AM

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Ceausescu’s children | Wendell Steavenson
The long read: When they were first exposed in 1989, Romania’s orphanages shocked the world. But what happened to the children left behind? Vişinel Balan, now 27, tells his story

Wendell Steavenson

10, Dec, 2014 @6:00 AM

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