diva creative – encouraging young people to use buses

A Sheffield company promotes sustainable travel across the UK with impressive results

For the first time in 50 years the number of young people using buses in north-east England has risen, thanks to an online advertising campaign.

A Sheffield marketing company, diva, researched how young people in Tees Valley perceived bus travel and promoted a local sustainable travel website along with promotional tickets.

Website visitors increased by 80% and, for the first time in half a century, more young people in the area began using the buses.

Councils nationwide have turned to the Sheffield-based marketing company to persuade more people to cycle, walk, take the bus or car share and diva has become a leading expert on how to change the way people get around.

It has identified barriers and motivators among different types of people and developed strategies to fit. In 2013 these included videos, online advertising, public relations, corporate events, social media and brand identities for sustainable travel projects.

Established in 1997, diva uses communications to promote social change, sustainability and social justice. It has earned a strong reputation in social marketing, working for health organisations, charities and government organisations across the UK, as well as local authorities.

In 2013, the company put its efforts into promoting sustainable travel in the UK and ran behavioural change campaigns in south and west Yorkshire, York, Bedfordshire, Bournemouth, Darlington, Wiltshire, Derby and Newcastle. diva argues it has a unique understanding of how people travel. On each project it conducts research to identify barriers and motivators to change among different target audiences.

Last year, the company increased its client portfolio by 300%. It worked with City of York council to promote an online travel-planning tool which was nominated for a 2013 national transport award for excellence in travel information and marketing. The campaign's website had 27,000 visits in a month.

Jackie Wills is part of the wordworks network

The Guardian Sustainable Business Sustainability Case Studies contain articles on all the initiatives that met the criteria for the GSB Awards.

Jackie Wills

The GuardianTramp

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