The hot summer 2016 news quiz

Which was more turbulent this year – Johnny Depp’s private life or Donald Trump’s hair? Find out if you’ve been paying attention to the summer’s big news, with Hadley Freeman’s quiz

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  1. Former Gawker editor AJ Daulerio has been ordered to pay Hulk Hogan $115m after releasing an excerpt of Hogan’s sex tape, in a case funded by billionaire Peter Thiel. Given he only has $1,500, what has Daulerio offered Hogan and Thiel in the meantime?

    1. A night out with Nick Denton.

    2. An original painting by Van Gogh he had in the attic for just this kind of emergency.

    3. His rice cooker and a golf club.

    4. His butt for them to kiss.

  2. Which of the following was NOT a real defence of Johnny Depp by one of his friends after he was accused of spousal abuse by his now ex-wife, Amber Heard?

    1. Heard was “blackmailing” and “lying about him publicly” (Doug Stanhope)

    2. “[Depp] is the sweetest, kindest, gentlest man that I’ve ever known. Just saying.” (Paul Bettany)

    3. “Like many of Johnny Depp’s friends, I’m discovering Amber is a better actress than I thought.” (Terry Gilliam)

    4. “Good thing I didn’t leave those scissors on his hands.” (Tim Burton)

  3. How many gun-toting policemen were deemed necessary to tell a Muslim woman on the beach in Nice to remove her burkini?

    1. None! Are you crazy? That would be terrible!

    2. Well, France can be a bit touchy about this issue. One, maybe?

    3. OK, OK, two at most.

    4. Surely not four. This is a joke, right?

  4. According to an American journalist writing on Politico, when he made a joke 15 years ago on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair, how did Trump respond?

    1. With a dignified, presidential silence.

    2. He appeared on Oprah and cried about being a victim of hair bullying.

    3. He made a public statement describing his hair as “magnificent. YUGE. The best hair!”

    4. He called up the journalist and said: “It’s true you have better hair than I do. But I get more pussy than you do.”

  5. In the great Taylor Swift/Kanye West/Kim Kardashian battle of 2016, who won?

    1. Kim, obviously. Always Kim.

    2. I don’t think Kim is a good female role model so I’m going with Taylor here #squadgoals.

    3. Who cares? Just play Kanye’s Famous again. CHOON!

    4. Hey, anyone seen Tom Hiddleston recently?

  6. Which of these terms has Trump NOT used when referring to Hillary Clinton?

    1. Crooked Hillary.

    2. Shillary.

    3. Beelzebub Hillary.

    4. My friend, Hillary Clinton.

  7. What did Clinton do on Jimmy Kimmel Live to prove her physical readiness to be president?

    1. She recited the US constitution.

    2. She opened a jar of pickles.

    3. She explained how to get a bill passed by Congress.

    4. She carved her own face on to Mount Rushmore.

  8. What did professional troll Milo Yiannopoulos, who was banned from Twitter after instigating the trolling of Ghostbusters actor Leslie Jones, post on Snapchat just before Jones’ personal site was hacked?

    1. "Getting a hot maca with cacao and cinnamon – YOLO!”

    2. “OMG bbz Ryan Lochte has TOTES copied my hair LMFAO.”

    3. “Karma’s a bitch.”

    4. “I’m 31 and too old for Snapchat. I’m off to do something worthwhile with my life.”

  9. What national event did Rudy Giuliani, who was the mayor of New York during 9/11, forget when he claimed “we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the US [before Obama]”, and how did he justify this forgetfulness?

    1. 9/11, and Trump performed a lobotomy on him.

    2. 9/11, and aliens have been in possession of his body and brain since about 2004.

    3. 9/11, and the dog ate his homework.

    4. 9/11, and he meant “the remainder of Bush’s term” (but not counting the beginning, obvs.)

  10. Which of the following celebrities did NOT disparage the term “feminism” this summer?

    1. Kim Kardashian.

    2. Sarah Jessica Parker.

    3. Susan Sarandon.

    4. Jennifer Lawrence.


1:C, 2:D, 3:D, 4:D, 5:A, 6:C, 7:B, 8:C, 9:D, 10:D



    Hadley Freeman

    The GuardianTramp

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