Prevent strategy

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Number of students flagged for extremist views rises by half
Growth in university students identified by government’s Prevent programme is worrying, says campaign group Hope Not Hate

Sally Weale Education correspondent

05, Jun, 2024 @5:53 PM

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Liberation Squares review – polemic comedy about state surveillance
Three unsuspecting teenagers find themselves under close observation in this satirical swipe at the government’s Prevent strategy

Mark Fisher

19, Apr, 2024 @10:24 AM

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How has UK extremism definition changed and why is it attracting criticism?
Six key questions answered about new definition of extremism laid out by communities secretary Michael Gove

Haroon Siddique and Sammy Gecsoyler

14, Mar, 2024 @1:41 PM

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Prevent counter-extremism programme budget to be slashed in London
Funding, which stood at £6.1m at the time of the general election, will fall to about £2m from April 2025

Dan Sabbagh

10, Mar, 2024 @8:38 PM

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Socialism, anti-fascism and anti-abortion on Prevent list of terrorism warning signs
Communism also among ideologies on document as human rights groups say UK scheme has been politicised

Vikram Dodd Police and crime correspondent

07, Mar, 2024 @1:38 PM

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Public left ‘at risk’ over UK counter-terrorism strategy, says Prevent review author
William Shawcross says Home Office ignored key recommendations and more attention should be paid to Islamist extremism

Emily Dugan and Rajeev Syal

22, Feb, 2024 @9:34 AM

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Police failed to record race of nearly two-thirds of people referred to Prevent
Human rights groups say lack of data hinders assessment of whether counter-extremism scheme is discriminatory

Rajeev Syal Home affairs editor

06, Feb, 2024 @2:00 PM

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Israel-Gaza war behind surge in Islamist activity, says UK counter-terror head
Britain faces ‘dangerous climate’ as online propaganda and referrals to Prevent surge, says policing leader

Vikram Dodd Police and crime correspondent

19, Jan, 2024 @7:24 PM

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Revealed: data from UK anti-radicalisation scheme Prevent being shared with ports and airports
Personal details from voluntary programme sent secretly without consent to government departments and border agencies, document shows

Mark Townsend Home Affairs Editor

17, Dec, 2023 @9:00 AM

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Amnesty calls for Prevent strategy to be abolished over ‘human rights abuses’
Group accuses programme of encouraging ‘thought policing’ and being incompatible with international human rights

Vikram Dodd Police and crime correspondent

01, Nov, 2023 @6:03 PM

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UK abandoned plans to rejoin Euratom after concluding impact of absence ‘could not be reversed’– as it happened
This live blog is now closed, you can read more on this subject here

Andrew Sparrow

07, Sep, 2023 @4:48 PM

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Withdraw review of Prevent anti-radicalisation strategy, ministers urged
Civil society groups, community leaders and academics say ‘ideologically led’ review of programme should be rejected

Diane Taylor

21, Mar, 2023 @10:56 AM

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