CD: Rachmaninov: Piano Concertos Nos 1 & 2, Zimerman/ Boston Philharmonic/ Ozawa


New releases from Krystian Zimerman are special, not just because they are such rare events, and seemingly getting rarer, but because no pianist alive today lavishes more care and attention to detail on every performance he gives.

This pair of Rachmaninov concertos was recorded in 1997 and 2000, as part of the contract Zimerman signed with Deutsche Grammophon 25 years ago. The wait has been well worthwhile, for both performances immediately promote Zimerman to the top rank of Rachmaninov interpreters on record, alongside Horowitz, Richter, Argerich and Pletnev.

The first concerto achieves a wonderful balance between rhythmic athleticism and lyric poetry; the second, in which Zimerman's astonishing range of keyboard touch and colour is fully exploited, seems fresher and more alive than any performance of this old warhorse has a right to be. Seiji Ozawa and the Boston Symphony Orchestra provide perfectly attentive accompaniments. A fabulous disc.


Andrew Clements

The GuardianTramp

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