Home interest sector continues to decline

5.45pm: The home magazine market is suffering as the public's love affair with makeover TV shows dwindles. By Julia Day.

The saturated market for home interest titles continues to suffer as the public's love affair with home makeover TV shows dwindles.

However, following a spate of magazine closures - and with the sector in year-on-year decline - the steep double-digit circulation losses of a year ago have been stemmed.

IPC Media's market leader, Ideal Home, turned in an impressive 6.6% year-on-year increase to 244,870 ahead of its nearest rival, the National Magazine Company's House Beautiful.

NatMags launched House Beautiful, which is credited with revolutionising the sector, in the late 80s. Its circulation of 192,409 was down 3.8% year on year.

But NatMags scored the biggest success story with Your Home. This time last year, the title lost 24.6% of its circulation but in 2001 it managed to claw back some of the lost ground with a 11.6% year-on-year increase to 152,557.

The BBC's two titles fared badly: BBC Homes & Antiques was down 6.3% year on year to 165,388 and BBC Good Homes suffered a year-on-year 8.9% circulation loss to 121,312.

IPC Southbank's relaunched Country Homes & Interiors recorded an 8.5% increase year on year.

The company has not shied away from the crowded sector - this month it launched Creating Beautiful Homes despite having closed Homes & Ideas.

Also last year, GE Magazines shut Garden Inspirations and Inspirations for Your Home and some think there could be more closures to come.

Duncan Edwards, the deputy managing director of NatMags, said: "We are very pleased Your Home is the fastest growing title in the sector but it's a difficult market."

He added: "There are a lot of very similiar products out there and inevitably there will be more fallout. BBC Good Homes looks vulnerable, for a start."


Julia Day

The GuardianTramp

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