James Hawes

James Hawes

What was the first film you saw?

Charlie the Lonesome Cougar, a heartwarming Disney animation. Kid falls in love with wild animal; wild animal has to go back to the wild. I bawled the place out.

What is your favourite film?

Ariel by Aki Kaurismäki. And I adore The Third Man. I lived in Vienna for a year and taught right underneath the big wheel.

What was the last film you walked out of?

I never have but came very close at the end of Cyrano de Bergerac. The first half an hour was brilliant but it went on and bloody on.

Your most erotic movie moment?

When I was 14 I went to some movie club in the local library where they allowed me to watch The Night Porter with Dirk Bogarde and Charlotte Rampling. In the sex scene where she gets on top of him, I thought, she cannot be doing that.

What's the most annoying habit in cinemas?

The sight of people queuing up for their hot dogs makes me think, "Who are these people? Why do I bother making movies for them?"

When did you last time snog in a cinema?

During The Mummy in Leicester Square. It's is the sort of film you see when you don't want to drink any more at lunchtime and you don't want to stop being with the person you're with.

Favourite snatch of dialogue?

It's from Ariel. Depressed, middle-aged unemployed person meets traffic warden and it cuts to them in bed having an after-sex cigarette. She: "Oh well, I suppose you'll be off in the morning." He: "No, we'll be together forever now." She: "Oh good." It's wonderfully deadpan Finnish humour.

Which actor would you most like to be?

Gregory Peck because he's a fabulously watchable actor and because I gather he's a liberal democrat kind of guy.

Which actress?

Geena Davis in The Long Kiss Goodbye. Obviously I fancy the pants off her as well.

The last time you hid under your seat?

Every time I've tried to see Alien. It's such a vile idea, and so brilliantly vilely executed, but I don't want to go there.

Last time you cried?

With my three-year-old son on my lap watching Tarzan. I hate Phil Collins but I wept buckets at every song.

James Hawes wrote and co-produced Rancid Aluminium, released on January 21.

Justina Hart

The GuardianTramp

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