There’s power in putting pen to paper | Letter

In a digital age, let’s not forget the value of old-fashioned letter writing, says Stuart Harrington

Recent speculation over the possible loss of Saturday postal deliveries (Letters, 25 January) has led to a renewal of the debate in some circles regarding the relevance of pen-to-paper letter writing in this digital age. Will the use of crisp white writing pads, envelopes and ink at home soon be regarded in the same way as domestic breadmaking or needlepoint? (And yes, the irony of this letter being sent via email is not lost on me.)

I am a firm champion of letter writing. However, my opinion is based on some 30 years of working as a prison officer and supporting offenders who had suddenly lost their ability to send digital messages via mobile devices or to make telephone calls at a time that was convenient for the recipient.

All prisoners are entitled to send out at least one letter a week at public expense and I encouraged the use of the provision when supporting those in my care – particularly those who were suffering as a result of missing contact with their loved ones.

I also suggested that it was possible to use the process of writing to organise their thoughts and be able to communicate much more efficiently than in a rushed phone call at an inconvenient time.

Today prisoners and their families enjoy a range of ways to keep in touch, including by censored email print-offs and video calls, but the process of sitting down calmly, composing one’s thoughts and committing them to paper via a pen remains a powerful way of maintaining important family ties.
Stuart Harrington
Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset

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