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Paul Keating says voice referendum was ‘wrong fight’ and has ‘ruined the game’ for a treaty
Exclusive: Former PM accuses John Howard and Tony Abbott of ‘outrageously and wilfully misinterpreting’ result in attempt to return to ‘great assimilation project’

Lenore Taylor

26, Oct, 2023 @6:00 PM

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Australians have six weeks to make a decision on the voice. It needs to be based on facts, not fear | Lenore Taylor
The referendum on an Indigenous voice to parliament has consequences far beyond immediate partisan advantage. Voters should hear the arguments on the proposition before them, not on slogans and memes

Lenore Taylor

30, Aug, 2023 @3:44 AM

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All governments try to ‘manage’ stories – but with robodebt it became a stubborn refusal to admit the truth
The royal commission’s final report lays bare how ministers and officials frustrated honest questioning and used friendly media to spread misleading information

Lenore Taylor

07, Jul, 2023 @3:00 PM

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Australians say they hate gambling ads. From now they will no longer see them on Guardian Australia
Australians lose more on gambling per capita than any other country, and the harms of addiction are well documented. From today, the Guardian will reject gambling advertising globally

Lenore Taylor

15, Jun, 2023 @8:00 AM

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Can we still handle the truth? Journalism, ‘alternative facts’ and the rise of AI | Lenore Taylor
The credo of Watergate is still relevant: find the best obtainable version of the truth. But doing so is only getting more complicated

Lenore Taylor

21, May, 2023 @3:00 PM

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Budget 2023: Hang in there, Labor tells hard-hit Australians. But will voters keep faith? | Lenore Taylor
There is real help here, spread widely and a bit thin. This federal government is thinking long-term, though it may not be enough for people struggling right now

Lenore Taylor

09, May, 2023 @9:52 AM

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Guardian Australia launched in a spirit of hope and determination. Ten years later we’re going from strength to strength | Lenore Taylor
Since May 2013 our once-tiny news site has achieved what some thought impossible

Lenore Taylor

02, May, 2023 @3:00 PM

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In the clamour and confusion around the Indigenous voice, the media has a special responsibility | Lenore Taylor
The debate is complex and long overdue, but the least we must do is present the arguments with clarity and in good faith

Lenore Taylor

26, Jan, 2023 @2:00 PM

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Australians reset their priorities in 2022, but in 2023 we must hold our leaders accountable | Lenore Taylor
As it marks the end of its first decade, Guardian Australia will scrutinise climate policies, cost-of-living measures and contribute to the Indigenous voice debate

Lenore Taylor

22, Dec, 2022 @3:35 PM

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The PM’s Garma speech built powerful momentum for an Indigenous voice – his challenge now is to maintain it | Lenore Taylor
Anthony Albanese foreshadowed potential ‘misinformation and fear campaigns’ on the road to enshrining a voice in the constitution

Lenore Taylor

30, Jul, 2022 @8:19 AM

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In an election year of disasters, Australians need more than campaign trail soundbites | Lenore Taylor
From fact-checks to pork barrel tracking, editor Lenore Taylor explains why Guardian Australia’s reporting will count

Lenore Taylor

09, Apr, 2022 @11:44 PM

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Guardian Australia is expanding its coverage of the states: here’s why
The states have always played a central role in readers’ lives but never more so than in these years of pandemics and natural disasters

Lenore Taylor

13, Mar, 2022 @8:06 PM

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