Jon Favreau reveals details of Star Wars TV series

The Mandalorian features ‘a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy’

Iron Man director Jon Favreau has revealed details of the Star Wars TV series he has been commissioned to write and produce.

In a post on Instagram, Favreau announced the show’s title was The Mandalorian and would “follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic”. He also said it would be set “after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order” – ie, in the period between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.

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The Mandalorians are a warrior people from the planet Mandalore who often clashed with knights of the Jedi order. Jango and Boba Fett, who Favreau mentioned prominently in his post, were not Mandalorians, but adopted their distinctive body armour.

Lucasfilm announced that Favreau was to produce and write the first live-action Star Wars series in March 2018, as part of the offering for its parent company Disney’s new streaming platform. Favreau had previously revealed that the series would take place seven years after the Battle of Yavin (which features as the climax of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope) and therefore three years after the end of Return of the Jedi, and that it would employ motion capture.


Andrew Pulver

The GuardianTramp

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