Hayseed Dixie

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10 of the UK's best music festivals for folk, jazz, blues and world fans
Eclectic global talent take to the festival stages this summer as Nashville’s finest hit Edinburgh and African retro-pop comes to Wiltshire. Here are our picks

Imogen Tilden

06, May, 2017 @7:00 AM

Picks of the week: North: Music

Hayseed Dixie | Hercules And Love Affair | Martin Carthy and Dave Swarbrick | Moseley Folk Festival | REM

05, Sep, 2008 @11:07 PM

Pick of the week: Rock and pop

Hayseed Dixie | Hercules And Love Affair | REM | Martin Carthy and Dave Swarbrick

29, Aug, 2008 @11:07 PM

Pick of the week: Rock and pop

Hayseed Dixie | Hercules And Love Affair | Martin Carthy and Dave Swarbrick | Moseley Folk Festival | REM

29, Aug, 2008 @11:07 PM

Pick of the week: Rock and pop

Hayseed Dixie | Hercules And Love Affair | Martin Carthy and Dave Swarbrick | Moseley Folk Festival | REM

29, Aug, 2008 @11:07 PM

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Southern fried metal

Hayseed Dixie aren't your average AC/DC covers band: they come from Nashville, play banjos and read the Guardian. Dave Simpson reports.

Dave Simpson

27, Jul, 2005 @10:59 PM

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Hayseed Dixie, Borderline, London

Borderline, London

Adam Sweeting

08, Jul, 2005 @10:33 AM

Hayseed Dixie, Borderline, London

Borderline, London

Sylvie Simmons

12, Aug, 2004 @10:49 PM

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