I am a Scottish Power customer but have just received a letter from G4S Utility and Outsourcing Services (UK) Limited requesting I supply them with my electricity reading. The letter states: “We appreciate that you may have supplied your readings to Scottish Power directly, however to ensure that G4S have a record of readings for your property we would be grateful if you could contact us with your electricity meter readings on this occasion. Please note this is a request and not an obligation.”
I am bewildered as to why Scottish Power is paying to outsource its meter reading service when it has a perfectly good online system. I am also concerned that it has passed on my details to another company without my consent (albeit with my name misspelt, an incorrect house number and no flat position on address). I have responded to Scottish Power to the effect that hell will freeze over before I provide any details to such a company. What advice can you give me regarding the legality of passing my address to another party? MM, by email
We suspect that somewhere in the power company’s terms and conditions it will state that it reserves the right to pass on your details to its agents – or wording to that effect – so is allowed to do this. We asked the company what was going on and it has confirmed that it has employed G4S to manage its meter reading service. If you are unhappy dealing with this controversial firm, -continue to supply your readings to Scottish Power’s website yourself. -However, be aware that G4S staff may ask for access to your meters at some point to allow them to check reference numbers, et cetera. If you are really unhappy about G4S’s involvement, you can always switch supplier.
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