The White Ribbon

Michael Haneke films – ranked!
Peter Bradshaw
23, Mar, 2023 @12:00 PM

The 100 best films of the 21st century
Peter Bradshaw, Cath Clarke, Andrew Pulver and Catherine Shoard
13, Sep, 2019 @5:00 AM

LOLs with Haneke: I confess to the director about creating his cat-lover Twitter parody
Benjamin Lee
29, Nov, 2017 @6:00 AM

My favourite Cannes winner: The White Ribbon
Andrew Pulver
15, Apr, 2015 @12:59 PM

Michael Haneke on Amour at Cannes 2012 - video
Michael Haneke talks to Xan Brooks about his new film Amour and describes what winning the Palme D'Or (for The White Ribbon) meant to him
Xan Brooks, Henry Barnes and Elliot Smith
22, May, 2012 @9:28 AM

The White Ribbon: No 9 best arthouse film of all time
Michael Haneke, 2009
Catherine Shoard
20, Oct, 2010 @10:46 AM
DVD review: The White Ribbon
As usual the Austrian auteur, best known for Funny Games and Hidden, has given us a memorable dark work to mull over
Rob Mackie
11, Mar, 2010 @9:44 PM

Best films of the noughties No 5: The White Ribbon
Peter Bradshaw: Michael Haneke's unforgettable 2009 Palme d'Or winner is exact in its composition, yet allows for gentleness and humour
Peter Bradshaw
28, Dec, 2009 @8:00 AM

The White Ribbon | Film review
Michael Haneke's Palme d'Or winner offers a spellbinding tale of bigotry and brutality in a pre-Great War rural German community, says Philip French
Philip French Critic of the Year
15, Nov, 2009 @12:06 AM

Michael Haneke: I may collaborate with Michel Houellebecq
The Austrian director of The White Ribbon reveals that he and the controversial French author have discussed working together
Catherine Shoard
13, Nov, 2009 @1:32 PM

The White Ribbon review – Michael Haneke achieves new mastery and audacity
Peter Bradshaw
12, Nov, 2009 @11:00 PM

What Michael Haneke owes to Kafka | Peter Bradshaw
Peter Bradshaw: As the Austrian director's Cannes-winning The White Ribbon arrives in UK cinemas, a long-overdue viewing of his film of The Castle has opened my eyes to another thread running through his work
Peter Bradshaw
05, Nov, 2009 @1:05 PM
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