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Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts

Sunday, 27 October @ 12:00

NRG Stadium, Houston

Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts

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$75.00 - $390.00

Sunday, 27 October @ 12:00

NRG Stadium, Houston

Please Note We have sold out of accessible seating for this game. If you have any questions, please call the Houston Texans Ticketing Department (contact person: Ariana @ 832.667.2153). Flex Schedule: Please be aware that there are certain games that are subject to flexible scheduling and the date and time of those games may be changed from what is currently reflected on the schedule and what may appear on the ticket. For more detailed information about NFL flexible scheduling procedures for the 2024 NFL Season, please visit

Flex Schedule: Please be aware that there are certain games that are subject to flexible scheduling and the date and time of those games may be changed from what is currently reflected on the schedule and what may appear on the ticket. For more detailed information about NFL flexible scheduling procedures for the 2024 NFL Season, please visit


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    Indianapolis Colts
  • attractions image
    Houston Texans


NRG Stadium 16 Upcoming events

One NRG Park, Houston, 77054, US
Phone Number
Open Hours
The NRG Stadium South Ticket Windows inside Bud Light Plaza are open Wednesday-Friday 10am-5pm. Please note, on weekday event days after 5pm, only tickets for the specific event playing NRG Stadium that evening will be sold at these ticket windows. This also applies for weekend event days after 2pm as well as all day on Sundays
The NRG Stadium south ticket windows accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Cash and checks are not accepted.
Will Call
Will call is not available. Tickets are delivered digitally. If you believe you have tickets at will call, please reach out to the box office ahead of time for verification.
Car Parking
Parking rates differ for each event. Rates are subject to change without notice. No in and out access. Electronic or credit/debit card payment is required at parking gates.

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