
Island sovereign state off the coast of Southeast Africa, in the Indian Ocean

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Madagascar is a country in the Indian Ocean off the eastern coast of Africa. It is known for its particularly unique wildlife and flora. Madagascar split from India approximately 88 million years ago, and as a result of its long isolation it is home to a massive number of unique plant and animal species, with over 90% of its wildlife and 80% of its plants found nowhere else on the planet.

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Where can I visit?

  • Madagascar

    Island country in the Indian Ocean

  • Mangatano

    Place in Vakinankaratra, Madagascar

  • Manandona

    Place in Vakinankaratra, Madagascar

  • Vinaninkarena

    Place in Vakinankaratra, Madagascar

  • Central Highlands (Madagascar)

    Biogeographical region in Central Madagascar

  • Anosiarivo Manapa

    Place in Vakinankaratra, Madagascar

How do I get there?


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